e-satisfaction.com & eΤURN launch the “Voice of the Citizen”

e-satisfaction.com and eTURN join forces and introduce a communication channel between Municipalities and Citizens, aiming to improve Citizens’ daily lives. The Voice of the Citizen platform measures their satisfaction with the provided services/structures of the Municipality, by sending questionnaires (via SMS, Viber and/or email), evaluating services/structures such as KEP, public Swimming Pool, Cleanliness, Accessibility for people with disabilities, etc. Through the feedback collection platform, each Municipality:

Monitors the level of satisfaction of the Citizens

Understands the real needs of the Citizens

Realizes which services and structures need improvement

Turns Citizens’ complaints into constructive discussions

The platform gathers data and outlines specific areas for improvement based on real and named evaluations from Citizens, while meeting the increased need of the Municipalities to be able to offer services that upgrade everyday life and become friendlier for the Citizens.

e-satisfaction.com and eTURN, having expertise in feedback collection & insights analysis and digital innovation & consulting respectively, are changing the scenery of Local Governance and the evaluation of Municipal services/structures. They offer a real step for the Voice of the Citizens to be heard, but also for Municipalities to listen to their Citizens, so their everyday lives are improved through their own feedback.

The Voice of the Citizen platform has been presented to dozens of municipalities in Greece, it has already been adopted by the municipalities of Ilioupoli and Palaio Faliro, while others will follow in the coming months.

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