Simon-Kucher and SIT to address Uni.Fund Portfolio Companies’ Challenges
On Friday, 20 September 2019, Uni.Fund organized a gathering of its portfolio companies at the Impact Hub Athens. During the first part of this all-day event, all 21 companies comprising Uni.Fund’s portfolio had the opportunity to meet each other, discuss and exchange opinions on challenges currently faced, and explore opportunities of collaboration and potential synergies.
At the second part of the event we were excited to have with us two top international experts, namely Mr. Dimitris Hiotis and Mr. Amnon Levav, who addressed pricing and innovation concerns of the companies.
Dimitris Hiotis is the Global Head of Leisure, Travel and Transportation at Simon-Kucher & Partners. Simon-Kucher & Partners is a global consulting firm specialising in TopLine Power®, which encompasses strategy, marketing, pricing, and sales. Founded in 1985, the company now has 1400 professionals in 39 offices worldwide and is regarded as the world’s leading pricing advisor and thought leader.
Dimitris shared useful insights on how start-up companies can successfully monetize innovation. He stressed the importance of using a pricing model which reflects the real value of company’s products/services and which is designed with customers’ needs in mind. He further talked about pricing for SaaS businesses and how it relates to the acquisition, monetization and retainment of customers. Dimitris also spoke about the evolution of dynamic pricing, its categories (lead-time based, target based, real-time based, retail) and analyzed the steps that start-ups have to take to develop a dynamic pricing model for their business.
Amnon Levav is the Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer at SIT (Systematic Inventive Thinking), one of the leading innovation consulting companies in the world, headquartered in Tel Aviv with offices and affiliates on five continents. Following a trademarked research-based method, SIT helps its clients build a self-sustaining culture and practice of innovation.
Amnon talked about innovation in the digital transformation age and defined innovation as the action of thinking and acting differently to achieve one’s goals. Using a set of interactive exercises and games, he showed how mental fixedness, i.e. the belief we have about something having a specific structure, refrains us from thinking innovative. He further stressed the importance of adopting and generating innovation in all aspects of business activity, using tools and patterns to break the fixedness.
The event was kindly sponsored by Audit Opinion and RSM Greece and was attended by representatives of all 21 Uni.Fund’s portfolio companies, Uni.Fund’s LPs and close collaborators.
Thank you all for joining us!